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Holidays Included
Most companies use a holidays excluded shift
arrangement. Which means that you select your
holidays in accordance with a set of rules. You know the
sort; “first come first served” and “a maximum of two off
on any shift” are popular rules. However on this type of
arrangement everyone is disadvantaged.
Firstly you are restricted by everyone else. So if you
want to have your holidays during school holidays
because that’s when you can go away with the
children, you have to be the first one to request
those dates. So you have to be organised, no last
minute breaks for you. And if someone else has
booked a single day off in the middle of your ideal
holiday, it will be refused.
Secondly the system is unfair. Someone who has
been with the company for years can look ahead
and block book their holidays. Any one new to the
group is at the back of the queue for booking
holidays because they will not be the “first to come
and request a holiday”.
Thirdly you will end up working more weekends. If
everyone gets to select their holidays and up to two
people are allowed off on every shift, what happens
when no one books a holiday? You end up working a
shift which you didn’t have to. These shifts could be
at night, at weekends or on a Bank Holiday.
Fourthly it is more stressful. Have you ever gone to
work and wondered if you will be over worked again
because you’re understaffed? It’s so stressful
working when the operation is understaffed. No one
has a proper job, because you are all doing your own
job and a bit of someone else’s. From the moment
you get to work, you are behind and by the end you
are just exhausted. Sometimes it can be exciting and
exhilarating, knowing that you are managing a crisis,
but wouldn’t your life be better without the stress?
Fifthly you could end up standing around doing
nothing. If no one books a holiday on a shift, then
you end up with more people in than there is work.
So what does the extra person do? Stand in the
corner? Not very nice for anyone. They feel
undervalued and bored. Being bored is so
exhausting, especially for 12 hours! And what about
everyone else on that shift? If you’re working and
someone else isn’t, it feels vastly unfair.
From the company’s point of view a holidays excluded shift pattern is not ideal either:
On a holidays excluded shift pattern the company has to waste resources; when no one books
a holiday there are extra people on shift who don’t need to be there.
Someone has to manage and approve all holiday requests. This takes time, effort and skill.
Someone has to create the rules to manage holidays and if the workload changes, then a new
set of rules needs to be created.
However the worst thing about a holidays excluded shift pattern is that someone has to say
“NO”. They have to say no to your dream holiday, they have to say no to you seeing your child
on their birthday, they have to say no to you enjoying Christmas with your family. This is not an
easy thing for anyone to do. And they don’t have to say it once, they have to say it again, and
Now there is an alternative to a holidays excluded shift pattern. That is a holidays included shift
pattern. On a holidays included shift pattern everyone gets all of their holidays included in the
shift pattern at the start of the year.
Now I know what you’re thinking, “That doesn’t sound very fair. What if I don’t like the time I
have off, or I need the first week in August because I have a time share?”
Well on a holidays included shift pattern, the holidays are rostered in a very fair manner.
Everyone is rostered off in turn. They are designed with you in mind. So if you want your time off
in blocks of a week, that’s what you get. You want a two week break in the Summer, that’s what
you get. Most shift workers once they experience a holidays included shift pattern love it.
There are three main reasons for a holidays included shift pattern, firstly there’s the privacy,
then you get better quality time off and lastly it minimises stress and fatigue.
A holidays included shift pattern is very private. Have you ever felt that you had to tell your
boss your entire life story to explain why you need a holiday? Well that is no more. On a
holidays included shift pattern you don’t have to tell anyone anything. You just go. Your time
off is you own.
You get better quality time off on a holidays included shift pattern. Your time off is designed
to be long enough to recover from your previous shifts and still have time to get away, do the
garden or just spend a few days in the beach with a book.
You get more holidays on a holidays included shift pattern. I know that sounds strange. How
can you get more holiday? Have you ever studied your shift pattern and seen that some
shifts will give you more time off? Well that’s what happens on a holidays included shift
pattern, the holidays are put with your rostered days off to give you more time off for less.
You get better Summer holidays on a holidays included. During the Summer everyone wants
that two week break. The weather and school terms make it a prime holiday season. Fitting
in everyone's holiday, so that they can get a two week break is hard work, when people can
select their own holidays. The only way it works is if everyone gets together and negotiates
their time off. Not something you want to do every year. But on a holidays included shift
pattern it is a normal part of the shift pattern. Everyone can have that two week break.
However the main reason for a holidays included shift patterns is that it is so relaxing.
Everyone knows who will be on each shift. This means that you never have to dread going
into work and finding that half the shift failed to turn up. On a holidays included everyone
who should be in will be in. So every shift; no one gets left out, no one has to be stressed.
Your manager can ensure that every one is in with the right skills, and then match the work
to the people. Something that is impossible on a holidays excluded shift pattern because no
one knows from one shift to the next who will turn up.
From the company’s point of view a holidays included shift pattern is the most efficient option
A holidays included shift pattern manages itself, so no one has to say “NO” to anyone.
No more calling everyone up to see who can cover a shift.
On a holidays included shift pattern you NEVER run short. The shift pattern is designed so
that everyone you need to be in, will be in. That’s guaranteed. So no more sitting around
wondering who will be in tomorrow. You KNOW who will be in, you know their skills and you
can match them to your workload.
But the biggest advantage is that you can PLAN. On a holidays included shift pattern you
know how many people will be in on shift. And you know this for a year ahead. So if you
have a project, you can plan when you do it based on real staffing levels. You can guarantee
when work will be completed. If a project takes 100 man hours, you can see where you have
100 man hours spare and slot it in. Then you can order the supplies to be ready when you
need them reducing inventory and tell your customers when it will be done. No more
guesses, no more extending the deadline just in case everyone is away.
And if you were wondering what the best holidays included shift pattern looks like, then it’s the
554. On the 554 holidays included you can work four or five shifts and have a week off. Here is
an example of the 554 holidays included. This is a typical shift pattern that you would work as
a full time equivalent on 12-hour shifts.
On this version you get about 29 weeks off. In the summer the shifts have been changed so
you give up two normal weeks off and get an 18-day break.
Oh and if you don’t like your weeks off, then you can swap shifts, so that you can tailor your
shift pattern to your own life style.
If you want to introduce a holidays included shift pattern to your department, tell your
manager about C-Desk Technology and direct them to our website or email at or our book explaining a holidays included shift pattern is available on
© 2021 C-Desk Technology
Experts on Shift Operations and Scheduling
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Old Vicarage, Rolleston,Newark, GB NG23 5SE